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My Audio Project - Tuning Revox Turntable B790
Mein Audio Projekt - Tuning Revox B790 Plattenspieler
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Tuning / Upgrade of my old Revox B790 Turntable
Not all linked websites are still available!
A Goldring   1042 Cartridge - Moving Magnet Cartridge   is mounted now
Goldring 1042 review      Goldring G1042 Moving Magnet Phono Cartridge
Phono Pre-Amp for Revox B790   PhonoPre Lehmann Black Cube SE II  
Some threads in German and English Forum's
Erfahrung clearaudio Smart Phono - Phono - allgemein - Analog-Forum
Revox B790 aufrüsten oder neuer Plattendreher - HiFi Forum
GSPAudio Support Community The Green Reflex MM
Rock Grotto Forum - green Reflex MM & Goldring G1042 ordered
Das STUDER und ReVox Forum • Thema anzeigen - Revox B790 Turntable
Revox B790 Plattenspieler tuning - REVOX-FAN-FORUM
Revox B790 Plattenspieler tuning - HiFi Forum
Revox B790 Plattenspieler tuning #22570 - HiFi Heimkino Audio Forum
HIFI-FORUM Analogtechnik Revox B790 Plattenspieler tuning
GSPAudio Support Community The Green Reflex MM
Rock Grotto Forum - Upgrade my Revox B790 turntable
Rock Grotto Forum - Upgrading MM Cartridge and Phono Preamp
reVoxjoschi - Believer in Excellence
PhonoPhono - Spezialist für perfekte HiFi-Wiedergabe Plattenspieler, Tonabnehmer und Ersatznadeln - HiFi-Anlagen
     Goldring G1042
Cartridge Database

Revox Cartridge Mounting Kit Art. 05790
Please klick on pictures to enlarge!

Montage Anleitung / Assembly Instructions / REVOX B790 LINATRACK TONEARM.pdf
Montage Anleitung / Assembly Instructions / REVOX_B790_ LINATRACK_TONARM_05790.pdf
Montage Anleitung / Assembly Instructions / Goldring_G1042.pdf
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Tuning Revox Turntable B790
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Last modified: 09. June 2022 14:44:35.

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